a journey through God's Word

Bible Puzzles

These are a great way to learn the Bible, and have fun at the same time. These Scripture based puzzles help you notice and remember those details that we often overlook. These are useful tools for Christian education, whether in your church, homeschool, or just for your own enjoyment.


This is a 49 page booklet of puzzles from the Pentateuch.  To make the downloads a more manageable size, I have divided it by books of the Bible.  The answers to all of the puzzles are in the last section.  Enjoy!

Genesis - pages 1-21.pdf (4,3 MB)

Exodus - pages 22-29.pdf (1,2 MB) 

Leviticus - pages 30-32.pdf (267,5 kB)

Numbers - pages 33-37.pdf (1 002,9 kB)

Deuteronomy - pages 38-40.pdf (126,7 kB)

Answers - pages 41-49.pdf (698,5 kB)




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"But thanks be to God!  He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." 

1 Corinthians 15:57 


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